Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 15 The Road Less Travelled

Question: What is the block that I personally have standing in the way? Whatever it is, please take it away.

God’s answer:

Empty picture frame

You are out of the picture.

Meaning: The presence of a self.


Question: Can you please just “skip some steps” and just take me there?

God’s answer:

Raquel on Abba’s lap, with a burger and a drink.


Cement edger


Brick wall

I shall take the edge off.

Meaning: God uses the brick wall because to have a solid brick wall, one must lay the bricks, one brick at a time. In other words, there are no short-cuts. Take the edge of means:

1) to make the journey smoother, and
2) To allow me to rest and alleviate my hunger and thirst for Him. The journey can be quite taxing and as you go through the path, the longing for God intensifies. Just as Jesus said: “I thirst”. So will you hunger and thirst for God and the only thing the world has to offer you is vinegar (stale wine).

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